Retina: Some common complaints and their treatments
The e ye is one’s window to the outside world. It is important that we protect this gift with all our efforts. To fulfill that, one needs to know what the common ailments the eyes suffer from and the ir signs and symptoms and the fact that not taking precautions has great potential for serious damages.
Lazy eye : Lazy eye or Amblyopia is a condition in which one eye is less developed. It normally affects only one eye and vision in that eye is poor . This makes that eye wander around and the good eye stays put. It is found in all age groups but is commonly found in infants and boys. It is important that this is found out early and treated. Corrective glasses or shielding the good eye to force the lazy eye to be used should be implemented. Correction in early childhood avoids lifelong vision problems. Nystagmus is a condition in which the pupils are in constant motion. Plenty of treatment possibilities are there to strengthen the eye including surgery.
Colorblindness : This is an inability to see certain colors , more often to distinguish certain colors , commonly red and green. In its acute form, which is rare, one sees only in shades of gray. This is, more often, congenital and more commonly found in males. Certain medicines and ailments can cause this in adults. This is due to the absence of cone cells in the retina and has no cure. However , in certain cases, special glasses can help to distinguish certain colors .
Uveitis : Uveitis is the inflammation of the middle layer of the eyewall containing most of the blood vessels and a group of diseases can cause this. This has the potential to destroy the eye itself. People with immune system problems are more prone. Eye pain, blurred vision, eye redness, and photophobia are its symptoms. Depending on the type different treatments are available. Meeting an ophthalmologist is important as it has gr eat potential for harm.
Floaters : This is very normal. But a change in its frequency, size, brightness, bright flashes, or a dar k shadow at the edge of vision portends serious troubles like retinal detachment. It is imperative to meet an ophthalmologist with no loss of time.
It is not possible to cover all eye d iseases and eye diseases symptoms and the attempt was to cover the common with potential for serious damages.